62 parts Ongoing In the mythological realm of Canidae Kingdom, where werewolves reign and ancient powers lie dormant, Xavion Silverfate, a fallen prince, embarks on a quest for redemption in a kingdom on the brink of chaos.
As Xavion navigates the treacherous landscape outside the Kingdom, he discovers hidden powers within himself, and its twin-a web of betrayal, and dark conspiracies where allies are scarce, and enemies wear familiar faces.
Xavion's odyssey unfolds, he unearths long-buried legacies and taps into the secrets of werewolf lore, each revelation shaping the destiny of Canidae Kingdom. His choices become threads in the intricate tapestry of their shared fate, a fate reverberating across the werewolf realm's very fabric.
"Only one will stand at the end of it all. And I'll surely be the only one that will stand at the end of it all."
Currently re-writing Xavion Silverfate
Follow me on IG: thebardsblock