"In a realm where angels and demons teeter on the brink of celestial conflict, an ancient prophecy whispers of an artifact-the Eclipsed Heart-that can reshape reality itself. As the cosmos trembles on the edge of uncertainty, two beings from opposite sides, entwined destinies by fate's hand." Xeraphel, an angelic guardian with a heart of gold, and Lucian, a demon shrouded in the shadows of his past, find their paths converging in a cosmic dance that transcends the boundaries of light and darkness. A quest for the Eclipsed Heart ensues, and with each step, the boundaries of their celestial and infernal identities blur. Yet, a thrilling encounters, an enigmatic force lurking in the depths of darkness and an unexpected romance ignites. Can Xeraphel and Lucian rewrite the stars and protect the Eclipsed Heart together, or will their journey lead to cosmic chaos? Join us on a journey where destiny hangs in the balance, and where the answers lie within the chronicles of "Celestial and Infernal" a tale that will eclipse your imagination and ignite your heart."