HISTORY TEACHER FOUND DEAD IN THE LOBBY MR. Galen Everett 28 years old, a 5 years history teacher at Split River High School found dead on 12th March 1920 The report from the officers states that MR. Everett has died because of a heart attack caused by his poor heart condition from a young age. a memorial service will be held at 1 pm on March 19th at the--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Hence this is afterlife. 'tis lonely" "i do know how to speak the modern tounge i choose not to.it is mine sport to watch thou learn the tounge" "watch all's ne'r(watch everything never) miss it because if thou miss aught(if you miss anything) thou miss a piece to the puzzle(u miss a piece to the puzzle)" "eyes towards the prize child" "Keep Calm I am the Ghost" DEATH IS NOT THE END YOUR SOUL CONTINUES The Ghost is a great detective like sherlock holmes The OC doesn't always speak in old English only when he wants to seem mysterious and RiddleyAll Rights Reserved