24 Phần Hoàn tất (The story profile is made by : Ghost. on Discord!)
This is a FTO High school AU , everyone is aged down , This story is mostly the ship Revin (Devin x Ritchie ) , but there's mentions of Fluritsu ,
This story is a modern life story , meaning they are in our world instead of fairy tail origins world , you get me?
They are still gonna have their magics , so david will be keeping his ice magics , and for the sake of you all plant is david's dog- that has a cute flower design on his collar , yup so anyone with like a magical child or sibling will have a dog or a cat for replacement , also Eden & Michael are Devin's siblings cause it just makes the most sense to me-
ALSO ALSO in this Oakley is a puppy..why? , cause this is a highschool AU , meaning their ALL aged down , but are old enough to have like some anime logic to where the leave alone with who ever-
Anywhooooooooooooooooooooooo enjoy