In the mystical world of Ordonnia, the world stands fractured and teetering on the brink of chaos. Divided into four realms ruled by the dominating forces of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, the once-harmonious world has fallen into discord. Each elemental realm holds its unique culture, power, and society, locked in a relentless struggle for supremacy.
At the heart of this turbulent world are two unlikely heroes-Lirian and Rylan. Lirian, a young traveler with the elemental gifts of water and earth, embodies the soothing tranquility of nature. Rylan, a fiery and passionate character, commands the power of fire and air, representing the dynamic forces of change. Their paths cross amidst the chaos, and love blossoms in the unlikeliest of places.
Faced with a world resistant to change, opposition from those who benefit from division, and the imminent collapse of their world, Lirian and Rylan are driven to unite the elemental forces.
Other Title: Guide to Cultivating as a Cannon Fodder (炮灰修真指南) by Qinglian Yuefu
Becoming a cannon fodder supporting a female character who is destined to die within the first three chapters, Zhang Yiyi decisively begins her self-rescue mode. This is the story of a young girl fighting her way out from among countless cannon fodder, ultimately achieving enlightenment and ascending by breaking through the void.