*Book 2 of 3*
Ashley Harold demands answers. It has been a little over a year since Y/n Astley, Catherine Slater, One Direction, and 5 Seconds of Summer defeated Jaloshin Bungebob. Catherine, who is Ashley's best friend, still hasn't told her what happened. It is now February of 2023, which is Ashley, Catherine, Mack, and y/n's senior year of high school. The bands were just beginning to heal from the events of the year and the tragic loss of their friend, Antouis, when S*mon Cowell uproots their lives and sends them back to high school to attend Degrassi Community School, to Ashley's delight. While the bands are adjusting to the new climate with the help of Catherine, y/n, and Mack, Ashley's life is also forever changed when she discovers her true roots: she is not American, and she has a half-brother who just so happens to be one of the members of 5SOS. The gang tries to process this information and deal with Ashley's persistent fangirling when they discover that Conrad Cowell, S*mon's ratty evil son, is trying to bring Jaloshin back from Ultimate Custom Night with the help of Bartholomew Bath. Despite Ashley's miserable, insufferable personality, One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, y/n, and Catherine are forced to help her after they deduce that her life is being threatened by Jaloshin himself, who wants to deport her for being a fake American and take revenge on everyone who had wronged him the year before. Can they prevent Jaloshin's return and save Ashley?
Made by two friends who may or may not have been writing this joke taken sort of seriously for three years that the New York Times called "Gloriously Odd" (not actually, don't sue us).