In a world where the sea holds countless untold tales, a legend of the past resurfaces. The Hybrids, a unique lineage born of humans and fishmen, now known as halfbloods, were once persecuted and nearly wiped out in the "Great Halfblood Massacre." Among the remnants of this enigmatic lineage is Sigal, a young woman living in secrecy on the perilous Seasonal Islands.
When Captain Monkey D. Luffy, leader of the Straw Hat Pirates, finds himself gravely wounded and cast adrift, Sigal's world collides with theirs. Despite her deep mistrust of outsiders, she saves Luffy, setting the stage for an unlikely friendship.
As they navigate the treacherous Seasonal Islands and the unpredictable Grand Line, Sigal's hidden powers and the crew's relentless pursuit of adventure bring them closer. Yet, Sigal harbors a slow burn secret affection for one of the Straw Hat Pirates, Sanji, even as she grapples with a world that once tried to erase her kind.
"Tales of the sea" is an adventure that explores trust, resilience, and the enduring bonds forged amidst the unpredictable tides of destiny.
(Note from the author: Hi guys! Thanks for checking out my story. I wanted to write a small side note because all I'm really using is my fantasy. I only watched the live action and my story is based off of the Netflix show. I probably don't have a lot of information but I'm doing my best. Thank you again! Author out)
Saving the life of the infamous rookie pirate, Captain Ruben Kirk, catapults Jessica Red into a sea of magic, jewel heists, and world-saving adventure.
After years of watching pirates fighting with the king's navy off the coast of Harvest Island, Jessica Red saves the life of the infamous rookie pirate, Captain Ruben Kirk, and the two become fast friends. Little does she know, Ruben Kirk is only the first of three rookie pirates she'll meet during a whirlwind of sea-faring adventures - but when Jessica learns the corrupt King Mordred has plans to destroy her island home, can she convince them to help her save it?
("The Rookie Pirates" is Book 1 in "The Adventures of Jessica Red" trilogy.)
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