In a world where superheroes and supervillains are a reality, Sebastian was just an ordinary teenager-until the night he was bestowed with extraordinary powers. Now, he's "Luminary," a new hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, facing a city overrun with crime, enigmatic villains, and a destiny he never saw coming.
But as he soars through the skies and battles the forces of darkness, Sebastian discovers that the Marvel Universe is far more complex and interconnected than he ever imagined. With allies and adversaries from across the MCU, he must unravel the secrets of his own past while protecting the future of his world.
Join Sebastian on an epic journey of self-discovery, heroism, and the infinite possibilities of the Marvel Universe in this thrilling tale that bridges the gap between the ordinary and the extraordinary.
Okay, my first story ever so, get ready for a tale of twists and turns and.... superheroes?
I do not own Marvel or any of its characters but, Sebastian is my character and my property. So is this story.