Four teenagers form Team CNDY and train to fight crime and monsters known as the Grimm, while the world of Remnant remains on the brink of an all-out war. The story takes place in the world of Remnant, which is filled with supernatural forces and shadowy creatures known as the Grimm. Prior to the events of the series, mankind waged a battle of survival against the Grimm, before discovering the power of a mysterious element called Dust, which allowed them to fight back against the monsters. In the present day, Dust is used to power abilities and weapons. Those who use these abilities to battle the Grimm are known as Huntsmen and Huntresses. The series focuses on four teenagers, each with their own unique weapon and powers. Together, they form a team at Beacon Academy in the city of Vale, where they are trained to become Huntresses and Hunters. Along the way, many male and female characters will become attracted to Cascade and they'll all try to either win her heart or make the young princess theirs, forever. How will this all end for Cascade? You'll have to read the book to find out! {We don't own the RWBY Series or it's characters. Only our Oc characters. All rights go to creator(s).}All Rights Reserved