the secret love story of Kuguri and Shibayama, two players from rival volleyball teams. Amidst their teams' fierce rivalry, they share stolen moments, affectionate nicknames, and a playful secret that binds them together. As they navigate the challenges of their hidden romance, their teammates remain oblivious to the truth, leading to humorous and heartwarming encounters. Will their love remain hidden, or will they find the courage to reveal their affection for each other?
Slightly inspired by other Kugushiba fics
(*Cover is not mine*)
(Edit: Thank you for 100 reads 💖😭😊)
(Edit2: I REACHED 200!?!! ☺️💞✨ thank you!)
(Sorry if there are mistakes english is not my first language)
nagito loves hajime more than anything. hajime always knows just how to make him happy. he's his bit of good luck everyday. nagito knows how his luck works, though.
he knows only one of them will end up surviving. despite that, nagito still wants to try. after all, hope will always win, right..?
this story is so fucking cringe pls don't read it 😭😭