****UPDATE 03/19/2024**** No, this is not abandoned and I'm still working on it. A lot has happened in my life that has put this on hold for a brief time. I was unhappy with how the third person version came out and I'm slightly happy with this first person version but still not satisfied. I have a friend, Scytherider, helping me improve my writing skills. He is officially dubbed my co-author on this story. I am converting what I have from first person to third and he is going through it to help me with changes. Once we're caught up with what I already have we'll go into what I have planned and write it together. We're currently in the middle of fixing chapter one but it is a slow process due to irl stuff and a lul in creativity. Please be patient, I believe once we find our grove we'll get this going. --- This is a rewrite of my story Equestria Broken but in first person instead of third person. I didn't really like the way the story was being written so a good friend of mine suggested for me to try something new. I'm really liking how it's coming out so I decided to post it. This is a grimdark MLP story in an alternate universe. King Sombra rules the land which is decimated by plague, starvation and a rebellion uprising. Clout, an introverted thief who lives his life in the shadows, is forced into circumstances he is going to have to learn how to navigate with the help of two ponies he calls stalkers.All Rights Reserved