Leonard Cloak Del Rosso is a highly accomplished engineer, a part-time artist, a model, and an actor in the Crown Entertainment industry. Perhaps most importantly, he is one of the most fortunate artists residing in Quintessa City. He is referred to as "Perfectionist" in their City due to the belief that you must always make the right choice in life or you will die in shame. Naturally, he won't let up in terms of appearance, powerful sex appeal, his gorgeous physique, which not only attracts women but also mens and their affections, and his enormous money, which no other family can match.
His life seems ideal, but what if the Montessore twins, who he never expected to meet, ruin it? The unexpected twin who would soften his hard heart? The twins who, enraged by his vile history, will tear down the wall he spent decades building?
How is L going to respond? Will he tear down the constructed wall? Or simply be enthralled by the feeling and sensation that grows between the three of them?