Dark times have descended upon Skyrim and her people with the return of the Dragons and Thalmor subjugators. Hope isn't lost, however, as brave heros of Tamriel rise up to fight for what they believe in.
One such person is Lilianah Hearthfire, a Breton woman, who is discovering more facets of her life than she ever set out to find. New knowledge and power awakens within her as she begins to realize her potential as a spellsword mage, and more importantly, the Dragonborn.
Fortunately for her, Lilianah's new found powers will greatly aid her in her goals to help the various peoples of Skyrim. Whether they be Forsworn, Stormcloak, a bandit, mage, mercenary, Daedra worshipper, or the Empire, it matters not to her as her goal is to unite and establish a peace within the polarized tundra.