Hi. It's me . Remember? your one and only? yeah well I thought I would call you and let you know how my day went and to find out if you want to make any plans for this weekend, but it seems that you are to busy to pick up the phone right now. so yeah. call me back when you get this. love you bye. This is so depressing. I was hoping to go out to dinner and a movie with Jc. I mean after all it is valentines day. I wish he wasn't so busy all the time but I geuss that's what I get for dreaming that he would understand that all I want for valentines day is him and his cute, adorable, romantic self and maybe some Mc Donalds. the day isn't over yet. maybe he forgot and is putting something together to do. I am sure of it. I say than go and get ready for the day ahead. This routine consists of taking a shower, washing my face, putting on a little bit of make up, finding my out fit for the day, and then putting on my shoes and going to school. I think to myself maybe he will be there waiting.