In a world where her existence is but a shadow of her little sister, 17 year old Shikyo Kanashi meets her demise, finding herself reincarnated into the pages of her favorite manhwa, but not as the main character. Instead, she becomes Lady Anastasia Fairlight, a beloved figure in a tale of riches and love. Her parents, the Baron and Baroness are not the typical uncaring nobles of this world. They cherish their daughter deeply and strive to protect her from the greed of the nobility and those who covet the precious diamonds she produces. Shikyo, a young girl must confront the harsh realities of her new existence and find a way to carve her own destiny in a story that wasn't meant for her. Will Shikyo, as Lady Anastasia, be forever confined to the background, or can she seize her own narrative and rewrite her fate? Cover art by: Gua老师 on WEIBO (Updated 9/15/23)
4 parts