8 parts Ongoing Earth 616
After the events of Superior, Spider-Man has be having an awful time. Nothing but a joke and threat to many, but one day he is killed in action by both heroes and villains.
*4th wall breaks*
Deadpool: Hey author, I've already heard stories about him dying and the multiverse ending, giving up being Spider-Man so he can have his life, traveling to another world, someone takes his place, or have his world alongside others watch his life etc... Why should this be any different?
"First, it's true and stop breaking the 4th wall its expensive to repair. Second, you have the script in your hands, so read the descriptions and find out. Where were we..."
Little do they know that this would spell disaster for the multiverse.
Deadpool: BOOORRRIIINNGGGGAAA! Everyone knows the consequences will result in death.
"Just let me finish, please"
But what will happen if the disaster never came.
Deadpool: I'll admit this does add a sense of interest, but not enough for me.
Instead, something else came to stablelize and protect this cruel world, so others could live.
Deadpool: I F**KING KNEW IT. Censoring me won't stop me from bad mouthing you behind your back. So who or what is our poor sap being sent to 616.
"You'll have to read to see and its 616 that are the poor saps in this experience."