In the enchanting world of Eldoria, where magic and fantasy converge, a young girl named Rosealine dreams of becoming an alchemist. But in a society where her talent is often an obstacle to pursuing her passion, she must overcome not only societal norms but also a series of daunting challenges within the prestigious Academy. Rosealine, an orphan with an unquenchable goal for the mysteries of alchemy, possesses an innate talent for magic and strategy. Her journey begins when she successfully gets a scholarship to the Academy, a renowned institution dedicated to the art of alchemy. Excitement and apprehension swirl within her as she enters a new world of knowledge, challenges, and unwanted attention filled with mischievous goals. Elara encounters a diverse cast of characters within the hallowed halls of the academy, including her enigmatic mentor, Master Alaric, who harbors secrets of his own. As she strives to prove herself among her peers, Elara faces not only the daunting tasks of transmuting base elements into gold and creating elixirs of unimaginable power but also the subtle but pervasive discrimination against female alchemists. Note! That the chapter content may be short!