No amount of reading, survival gaming, or zombie movies can prepare Morgan for the apocalypse. Safely tucked away in bed, it seems like only imagination worries about the undead. But when the virus strikes, fiction become reality as Earth transforms from home to hell.
"The dead, have returned."
Given no choice but to fight for survival, Morgan has to learn to live in this new world or be buried with the ashes of her past life, forever.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Morgan demands, "strip, I'm checking you for bites."
"You know Morgan, if we weren't friends-" Anna-Maria begins with an exasperated sigh, "I would think-"
"Less talking, more stripping," Morgan demands, when Anna-Maria doesn't immediately comply, she takes matters into her own hands, yanking at her friend's jacket impatiently.
"Oi! I like this jacket- Be gentle!"
"I like my life more than your jacket! Hold still you goddamn idiot!" Morgan retorts, "you can't have changed your clothes outside," she grunts, jabbing at Anna-Maria's torso with a hard poke.
"Yeah well if the undead attack me, I'd rather it not be my naked ass they're defiling!"
Morgan snorts, "I don't think that matters when you are bitten."