In the small town of Willowbrook, thirty year old Alise is navigating the complexities of adulthood. However, she harbors a secret that she has kept hidden for years; Alise, struggles with her sexuality. She has always found herself attracted to both men and women, but fears the judgment and prejudice of those around her.
Despite this secret, Alise has been in a committed relationship with her boyfriend, Jake. Their love for each other appears strong, but a secret affair Alise had been engaging in recently came to a disastrous end. This revelation leaves Alise endlessly questioning her feelings and her commitment to her current relationship.
Struggling with her emotions, Alise finds solace in her new found passion volunteering at a music center. But her life takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with Vivienne, a confident and captivating woman. As their paths continue to intersect, Alise begins to develop feelings for Vivienne, defying everything she thought she knew about herself.
When Alise starts working for Vivienne, she discovers a dark twist to their growing connection. As the twisted love affair unfolds, Alise is pushed to her limits, questioning her choices, desires, and the lengths she is willing to go to protect her ex lovers, friends, and colleagues from this newfound love.
In this captivating tale of self-discovery, Alise must confront her own fears, navigate the complexities of her sexual identity, and make choices that could change her life forever.
"Twisted Desires" is an emotional rollercoaster of love, danger, and self-acceptance that explores the delicate balance between relationships, identities, and the lengths we go to for the ones we love.