In the first installment of The Chronicles of the Dragon's Gift, we are introduced to CJ, a sixteen-year-old boy who stumbles upon an incredible and dangerous secret. After being forced to seek refuge from a raging storm at the base of a volcano, CJ's mother discovers four dragon eggs hidden within the mountains. Dragons, believed to be extinct for centuries, can only be reborn if their eggs are heated to the temperature of their mother's breath. Little did CJ know that these eggs held the power to change his fate and the destiny of his world. As CJ nurtures the eggs, their heat gradually increases, and within them lie dormant dragon chicks. Excitement and anticipation course through his veins as he realizes the significance of his discovery. With every passing day, CJ forms a bond with the potential legendary creatures, unaware of the enemies who scheme to seize the power for themselves. Full of suspense, CJ's journey is one of self-discovery, courage, and the mastery of newfound abilities. As the dragons awaken, friends and foes alike begin to appear from the shadows, each driven by their own motives. Ancient prophecies prophesy the return of dragons, and CJ finds himself at the center of a struggle that will shape the future of his world. In a race against time, CJ must uncover the truth about his enemies, harness the power of the dragons, and fulfill his destiny as the savior of his people.