This is a fan-fic story based on the legendary manga and anime, 'One Piece' by its even more legendary writer, Eiichiro Oda. However, in this story, there is another main character: a person by the name Takeda Shoya (Name-Shoya, Surname-Takeda), having the paramecia fruit, the Gravi-Gravi devil fruit, which has the powers to control gravity. **NOT A VERY BIG SPOILER BUT STILL! Do not misunderstand, this devil fruit has very different powers from Fujitora (The Admiral), though I myself realised afterwards that I had forgotten about him having gravity controlling abilities too.** Although, the idea of this devil fruit is still not my own, it has been taken from another extremely good manga/anime by the name, 'Edens Zero' by it's extremely good writer, Hiro Mashima. I do not own any characters except for the ones I've introduced myself, and obviously, neither do I own One Piece or Edens Zero. Oh, and...this is essentially like my first work, so do give honest opinions. 🙏🏻 Well then, see you! 👀
21 parts