(On indefinite hiatus. Will return once i get my zeebarf hyperfix to fully motivate me. There's nothing there for now, so..yeah. Sorry.) Basically, a fanfic where you are shipped with the Ballads of Reemus characters. Mostly the human dudes. NOT COUNTING LIAM IN THIS BC HE'S AN ANIMAL. JUST THE HUMANS, OK? This is supposed to be a shitpost for funnies, but I don't mind if it ends up being serious or not. Sorry if this is rusty as hell, I'm very new to writing stuff like this. Also, this is the first Reemus related fanfic on Wattpad! (I think) Yeehaw! The Ballads of Reemus/The Several Journeys of Reemus belong to Clickshake games/Zeebarf. THIS IS JUST A FANFICTION MADE FOR FUN. Cover made by me. Lol.All Rights Reserved