In the gritty underworld of organized crime, where darkness reigns and secrets fester, one woman's extraordinary journey from a troubled past to a hauntingly complex love story unfolds. Meet Ginira, a survivor with a past marred by the shadows of her father's sinister choices and her own rugged life as a stripper. She's a woman who has known heartache, fear, and uncertainty at every turn.
But when Ginira's life takes an unexpected twist, her world collides with that of the enigmatic and feared Irish mafia figure, Blaine Murphy. Blaine is a man cloaked in secrets, whose very presence sends shivers down the spines of those who cross his path. His dark and mysterious aura is a testament to the ruthless world he inhabits, and few dare to challenge him.
As Ginira becomes entangled in Blaine's web of intrigue, she discovers a man unlike any other she has known. Blaine holds a devastating secret, one that renders him immune to pain, both physical and emotional. His abilities, rooted in the shadows of his past, draw Ginira to him like a moth to a flame. But as she unravels the enigma of Blaine Murphy, she also confronts her own past, including the haunting legacy of her clinically insane father.
In the heart of this seductive and perilous world, where love and danger entwine, Ginira and Blaine must navigate a treacherous path. They will confront their own vulnerabilities, face unimaginable threats, and reveal the darkest corners of their souls.
Blaine thinks Ginira's weird and Ginira thinks that Blaine is a fat ass. ;)
🏅#5 in BWWM 11/10/2023
Raya doesn't believe in love anymore because every guy she dates or takes serious shows her why she'd rather be alone but she that doesn't mean she wants to be. One night on a night she was called in to work, Raya literally falls in the lap of a mysterious playboy, Jamal, who she'd recently had tattooing her skin.
Jamal Hart. A convicted felon and a tattoo artist. The man has never been seen with a single woman in months. He minds his business and stays out the way but Jamal has a secret that no one but his best friend knows about. He's a grade A stalker.
Jamal knows who Raya is. He knows everything about her. Where she works, where she shops- hell he even knows what shampoo she buys from target. He knows her whole schedule.
He wants Raya but not just for a relationship.
He wants to corrupt her and do unimaginable things to her.
He wants to own her.
(This book is all over the place.)