This story takes place in a small town called White Rose, in Washington, near Leavenworth. It's a town with very foggy mornings, cool climate, and many trees; everybody knows each other and its houses and some buildings have a little Elizabethan style influence. Belle is a sweet 17 year old girl, who lives with her mom and dad. They leave to Sweden for a year and then come back after her dad got a better job offer in the town than in Sweden. She goes back to her friends, whom she missed a lot. Her neighbors and everybody is glad she is back. But in school she notices a new face. A handsome boy, whom she has never seen before, captures her attention. Every girl in town is convinced he is the most beautiful boy in the whole world, but Belle isn't so easily swayed. She doesn't trust him, even though she doesn't know the dark secret the boy keeps to himself.
(I am aware I named my character Belle, and [believe me] I'm even more aware my name is Belle, but i really couldn't think of a name more suitable for the story [Keep reading if you want to find out why]; I also need to mention that there is a character in this story that is named Harry, and the fact that this character resembles the singer so much is mere coincidence [I really wasn't thinking about Harry at the moment]... Anyways, hope you like this first attempt at writing a serious novel, and enjoy! :D).