In a realm far removed from human eyes, lies the enigmatic island of Aetherius. Here myths that humans relegate to tales and legends are living, breathing realities. Aetherius is divided into four principal kingdoms, each with its unique inhabitants and rulers: Dryadale, a realm of ancient forests and vibrant flora, where towering trees and ethereal beings coexist harmoniously ruled by the Elven King and Queen. Volucrum is a realm of perpetual beauty, where enchanted glens, mischievous sprites, and luminous creatures abound ruled by the Fae King and Queen. Mutatio is a land of shifting landscapes, where beings with the ability to morph between human and animal forms roam ruled by the King of Therianthrope. Daemonium, a once lush and beautiful land, turned into an icy tundra of towering citadels, where the formidable King who shares both blood of dragon and demon rules. Beyond these kingdoms lie the untamed territories of Sancta and Tenebris.
In the land of Volucrum, nearly eighteen winters past, the extraordinary Astraea was born. Her Ethereal beauty, marked by snowy white hair, porcelain skin, and golden eyes, left all who beheld her in awe. It wasn't till her fourth winter, beneath the full moon's glow, that her wing unfurled, revealing the depth of her latent power.
Astrea's parents, King Theasus and Queen Kamora, were determined to fathom the enigma of their daughter's existence. Their quest led them to an ancient depiction of Thea Vita, the Goddess of Life, crafting the first Moon Fae, Selenandra - a mirror image of their cherished child. Further investigation unveiled a prophecy, foretelling a destiny they could not bear to confront. Fearing the weight of the revelation, they chose to seal away the prophecy, revealing to Astraea only fragments of her true heritage.
Years later Astraea finds herswlf sacrificing her freedom willingly to protect her family but also because of the allure of a dark and dangerous man.
Book one