Scott and Acho grew up on their parents' wild stories about their adventures together. Stories of sea monsters and thieves and stowaways, the two brothers were fascinated. One of their favorites was about a sea siren the two of them and their crew managed to capture. They said it's body was still tied to the front of their ship to that day.
Of course, as they got older, Scott and Acho thought that the bedtime stories they were told were nothing more- just fairytales.
Well, until Caspie and Miko arrived.
Miko is awfully silent and cunning, with an eye for valuable things. Caspie is a ray of sunshine, an incredible fighter, and an amazing scammer. Both of them avoid both herons and the Denholm brothers like the plague. Caspie gets awkwardly silent when they try to interact, and Miko's smirk turns into a deadly stare. Caspie eventually warms up to Acho, but holds a strong dislike for star's brother.
Caspie also loves fairy tales, just like Scott and Acho. However, she seems to know a lot more about them than the brothers do. She could tell you the exact point you need to hit to kill a sea serpent, or how to defeat an angered Lusca, or how to befriend a Leviathan. Acho thinks it's cool, but Scott finds it odd.
It isn't until townspeople start reporting siren sightings that the Denholm brothers' world is really turned upside down.
(I swear the cover has the story title on it its just really light ok-)