I loved once but that was before Before reality came and knocked on my door Before I cried myself to sleep every night Before I kept looking away from the mirror Before I was beaten Before I was like this Before I started to cut myself Before he came into my life and before I was broken He helped me To Love Once More Love again ~~~~~~~ 0°°0°°0°°0 I used to think only of myself Before I met her She didn't talk She was sad depressed and lonely They said not to get involved with her But they should've known that I follow my own rules And I got involved She was beautiful but she thought the opposite She was special to me but she thought I was lying And I found out That she was broken But even so I will help her She is broken but soon not anymore I will help her love again ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sooooo what do you think Do you like it ? If so READ IT !!!! Come on make me happy Read vote and comment Please Btw it's a ppgz reds story Now bye later Peace ~~~~A.B~~~~All Rights Reserved