"Here take a hit!" they say as they laugh "uh no thanks i'm good' they look at me with a stern face 'cmon stop being such a party pooper and take a hit!!" I look at the burning blunt ... What am I doing with my life? Staying with these kinds of friends? "Alright fine" I finally say "but I'm only doing this once!" Soon i forgot how the hours went by i only remember laughing and drinking a bit and then me getting up to go to the bathroom The smoky room got smokier by the minute, and the alcohol in my mouth tasted of sulfur. The ticks of the clock started to slow down and I heard heavy breathing.. I I fell to the floor and everything went black- In anvone's case this would be a dream come true...getting cross faded and not remembering anything- but in my case it was a living hell. "Jean? Where are you?" "Jean answer me right now" "JEAN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU??!!" Jean you better not be hanging out with those stupid friends of yours i told you, you couldn't hang out with them anymore." 8 more texts chime in I look at the time- its already 1 pmAll Rights Reserved