3 parts Ongoing MatureIn the heart of a small town, Stowe VT, a young man named Mateo works at a charming local coffee shop, Pure Perk. Every day, he serves a variety of customers, but one day, his routine is pleasantly disrupted by the arrival of an intriguing newcomer. This newcomer is Johnathan Harrison, an upcoming actor from London, who has come to Vermont for a film project.
From the moment Johnathan steps into the coffee shop, there's an undeniable spark between him and Mateo. They hit it off immediately, their conversations flowing effortlessly. Their connection grows stronger with each passing day, they become closer to one another
However, there's one thing that keeps them from fully embracing their budding romance, Dishonestey, Toxic Past relationships resurfacing, untreated mental health and more, as you live through the eyes of Mateo, you become more and more attached to each and every character.