EchoPool was never the type of dragon to be all "independent" and "by herself". No, not at all. None of that. She was more of a "follow orders to avoid punishment" kind of dragon. All of her life, EchoPool has followed the words of her mother-even if it was against her will-- and, she is an animus dragon; something unbeknownst to other dragons, besides herself and her mother. (Who used this powers for herself, once or twice... or perhaps a gazillion times) However, when she is given the chance to flee her home to the safety of Jade Mountain Academy, she seems to have escaped. However, in this joyous "escape", EchoPool will have to learn to face new issues: betrayal, secrets... and even a plant that could take over the world. Will EchoPool have to grow out of the life carved for her to face these problems? And... will she be able too, with her past threatening to haunt her once more...?