so, lemme explain, Players: Kayleigh, Ella, Josh, Brayden, and Megan. and the canon Npcs have actual personalities and have real names, but they still use their Npc nicknames. Baldi is the only one with a semi-canonical name so his is the same, and playtime is Principal's daughter. Baldi- Baldi B. Baldimore, Principal- Phillip Princi, Gotta sweep-Gabriel Sweeps, Playtime-Physicca Princi, Arts 'n' Crafters-Tobie Crafters, Cloudy Copter-Cecilia Copter(cloudy gives feminine vibes in VOadam, don't yell at me), And finally, First Prize- Fritz prize., also, Gotta sweep is a student+Part time Janitor, Here school is a elementary and middle school, Our players, Playtime, Arts 'n' Crafters, clody copter and first prize are 5th-6th, Bully is 7th and Gotta sweep it 8th