Scarlett, a renowned Hollywood star, has been hiding a painful secret: years ago, she was forced to give her daughter, YN, up for adoption. While her career and family life flourish, the thought of YN never leaves her mind-constantly wondering if they will ever reunite. As destiny would have it, YN's life takes a dramatic turn. Will their paths cross once more?
🌟 Explore the intense journey of love, family, and second chances as two intertwined destinies unfold in unexpected ways. Perfect for fans of emotional family drama, Hollywood secrets, and heartwarming reunions. 🌟
In this story, Y/N, is adopted by Scarlett Johansson.
Y/N has been in the orphanage, Clear Haven Orphanage, since she was 5 years old.
In this story we will go through how Y/n adjusts to being adopted and having a family. Also with trauma because what story doesn't have crazy events? :)