In the seemingly quiet town of Meadowbrook, a shocking murder of well-liked accountant Nick Nelson shook the community. However, it was revealed that Nick had staged his own murder to expose corruption and avenge his boyfriend Charlie's similar death. Detective Sarah Thompson, captivated by Nick's bravery, joined his quest for justice. As they unraveled the truth, they faced cryptic messages hinting at deeper secrets within the forest. Following the leads, Sarah ventured into the woods, realizing the mysteries were far from over, hinting at impending danger and a truth that might cost more than anticipated, leaving the tale hanging on the precipice of the unknown.
"Great news! Wei WuXian has died!"
"Wait- WHAT?!"
"But I'm still here."
The juniors (Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Jin Ling, and Ouyang Zizhen) accidentally touched an array that teleported the people from the past to an unknown place.
This story is based on a novel Mo Dao Zu Shi written by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu.
I wrote this reaction book to satisfy myself and only for entertainment. I am not gaining any profit from it.
Started: July 1,2024