In this first installment, Iris, a successful and independent woman, finds herself drawn to the world of BDSM after being told of a nearby club. Intrigued by the dynamics of power and submission, she decides to explore her own desires and becomes a submissive. Enter Damien, a seasoned and enigmatic Dom who takes her under his wing. As Iris delves deeper into the world of BDSM, she discovers a newfound sense of liberation and self-discovery. Damien guides her through various scenes, teaching her about trust, communication, and the importance of consent. Their connection grows stronger with each encounter, blurring the lines between their roles. However, as their relationship intensifies, Iris begins to question her feelings. Is it merely the thrill of submission that she's falling for, or is there something deeper between them? Damien, too, finds himself grappling with unexpected emotions, torn between his duty as a Dom and his growing affection for Iris.
"Please dont do this, I don't want it. Please." I plead with him but it's no use.
He walks over to me and slams his hand on the wall next to my head, making me jump. "Turn around." He speaks slowly in a low tone.
I don't move out of fear and stare at him.
I jump and slowly turn around. I feel him move my hair to the side and puts it on. He turns me back around, smiling.
"Now, that wasn't so bad." He pauses staring at me. "Make sure you never take this off. Do you understand? Never." He says in a commanding tone, looking into my eyes.
I nod silently, he stares at me and gently kisses my cheek. "I will be back for you later." He turns and leaves the room.
Once I'm sure he is gone, I go to the mirror. I look at my neck and see it...
A leather collar with his name inscripted on it .
If you think this is a happy story, it's not so beware. This story includes dark love with obsession and an extreme possessive dominant male.