Bella is Belly's twin sister. They are both very alike, they both love volleyball always been shy and introverted. While Belly has liked Conrad Bella has liked Jeremiah. Bella and Belly had a glow up before school started last year. They had worked all summer finding the perfect skin care and it worked most of their acne was gone. When they went back to school people noticed them belly ignored the small amount of attention she got from guys cause she was in love with Conrad. Bella on the other hand had gotten a boyfriend, Joshua, but he cheated on her with her bestfriend about a month and a half before school ended. Her other friends knew about it so she's no longer friends with them. Belly was there for her through the break up and Bella started to get closer to Taylor. It's been about two and a half months and Bella and Taylor are almost as close as Taylor and Belly. TSITP season 1- season 2 [Jeremiah fisher x oc]All Rights Reserved