To ever be heard was what they want. What all they wanted. The Winstons was just any other living-being, wishing to be heard and understood by the souls of many. Never did they wish to end things between them and humans in a tragic ending. The Winstons was kind to everyone they see, but, their oddness obviously made them feel a sense of unbelonging. From their pale skin, white hair, bright, hypnotizing, pair of purple eyes, they, surely were odd from the rest. Generation passing to another generation, humans has never failed to make them feel like the ugly duckling. August 14 was indeed the last page of their story. Fierce fire burned down their beloved home. Once a grand, enchanted home, turned to dark ashes throughout the cold night. Unlike playing a board game, they never received their turn. The townsfolk had enough of their weirdness. Travelling to the house of the Winstons, carrying big torches and pitchforks, the night was nothing but chaos. But after the last page of their book, a new story has been written. It brought a blessing, a new hope to the demolishing generation. A newborn witch, the daughter of Delim Winston, Xylia Winston was brought into this world.