4 parts Complete The Lady In White, is a vengeful ghost/onryo, who walks on deserted dark and desolate road every single night, hoping to scare or even kill unsuspecting victims. She comes in the form of a harmless woman dressed in white, calling herself "Marisa." And enters in people's cars, fooling them into getting a ride somewhere. If they respond "no, I have to be somewhere" or "sorry, but I don't allow strangers in my car", then she attacks them with her bare hands, tearing their flesh apart, disfiguring their face, or even taking out a box cutter as her choice of weapon, slashing their throat. But if the person responds "yes, sure." Or "sure, come on in." She might let them live, but they live to see her grotesque face, and have a lasting fear of her for the rest of their lives. One man, by the name of "Haruto" comes across the lady in white, and lets her in his vehicle. But that soon becomes something he regrets, so, so dearly..