"Shadows of Oakridge: The Haunting of the Mansion" is a gripping tale that takes readers on a chilling journey through the lives of four friends. Kei, Hana, Haru, and Levi stumble upon an abandoned mansion in their seemingly peaceful town, only to discover that it holds a dark secret. Unbeknownst to them, the spirit of a twisted serial killer, known as the Oakridge Nightmare, haunts the mansion, seeking vengeance on those who disturb his resting place.
As they explore the mansion's decaying halls, the friends are subjected to terrifying visions, supernatural occurrences, and the unraveling of their own inner demons. The story delves deep into their fears, challenging their trust and loyalty as they question their own sanity.
Armed with determination and resilience, the friends embark on a quest to uncover the mansion's dark past and find a way to defeat the vengeful spirit. They must decipher clues and delve into the twisted mind of the Oakridge Nightmare, all while experiencing the strains on their friendships.
Throughout the story, the characters learn the value of friendship, courage, and the strength that lies within ordinary individuals. As the tale unfolds, readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of horror, suspense, and adrenaline-pumping thrills.
"Shadows of Oakridge: The Haunting of the Mansion" is just the beginning of an epic series that promises more supernatural encounters, mind-bending mysteries, and heart-racing adventures in the subsequent seasons, capturing the imagination and keeping readers on the edge of their seats.
1985 was a time you would never forget.
Being lured into the backroom of Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria by a sinister, yellow animatronic rabbit, watching all your friends be murdered by him, while you just luckily escaped death.
Fast forward to 8 years later, your broke 19-year-old self was in desperate need of money. You were so desperate, that you sign yourself up for working as a night guard in your friend's murder site.
What you didn't know, is that your friend's spirits were still there all along, roaming the depressing halls of the so called "family friendly" pizzeria, although having taking the form of a few familiar faces you knew all too well.
But what's gonna happen when you come face to face with their killer? And little did you know, he had been waiting ever so patiently for your arrival.
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[I do not own any of the Five Nights at Freddys characters]