The story introduces Red, the whip-smart and rebellious teenage daughter of the Queen of Hearts, Chloe, the perfectionist and athletic daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming, Scarlett, the wicked and sassy son of Scar, and Malachi, the bad and prideful son of Malik.
When the Queen of Hearts, Malik, and Scar team up to incite a coup against Auradon - one that looms during the celebration of Cinderella's new royal baby - the unlikely team Red, Chloe, Malachi, and Scarlett must join forces and travel back in time, via a magical pocket watch constructed by the Mad Hatter's son, to undo the traumatic adolescent event that sent Red's mother, Malachi's father, and Scarlett's father down their villainous paths.
Once Upon An Enchanted Ball ( A Rise of Red/Glassheart Fanfic)
13 parts Complete
13 parts
Red and Chloe are tasked with planning the school's annual ball. As a first-year, Chloe sees this as a chance to make her mark at Auradon Prep, while Red aims to get into headmaster Uma's good-graces after getting into trouble.
Despite Chloe's driven and principled nature clashing with Red's rebellious and carefree attitude, they must work together to ensure this year's ball is a success.
(An upload of my own story from AO3, updates will be consistent)