The story introduces Red, the whip-smart and rebellious teenage daughter of the Queen of Hearts, Chloe, the perfectionist and athletic daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming, Scarlett, the wicked and sassy son of Scar, and Malachi, the bad and prideful son of Malik.
When the Queen of Hearts, Malik, and Scar team up to incite a coup against Auradon - one that looms during the celebration of Cinderella's new royal baby - the unlikely team Red, Chloe, Malachi, and Scarlett must join forces and travel back in time, via a magical pocket watch constructed by the Mad Hatter's son, to undo the traumatic adolescent event that sent Red's mother, Malachi's father, and Scarlett's father down their villainous paths.
Captain James Hook x OC
Haley was the younger sister of Mal, daughter of Maleficent and Hades. But, instead of getting raised by Maleficent, she was raised by Hades.
Ever since the border was broken and all villains from the aisle are free, Haley felt it was finally the time to start Auradon prep, with new alliances from different places including Wonderland as the new policy given by the new king and queen, Mal and Ben and the new principal of Auradon prep, one of her friends, Uma, daughter of Ursula.
But, the day she was supposed to start Auradon prep, she was introduced by Chloe Charming, Daughter of Cinderella and King Charming and Red, daughter of the famous Queen of Hearts from Wonderland.
"Nevertheless, you already stole my heart.
But in all fairness, it was already yours to begin with."