Hello! I'd like to announce that as a new author, this will be my first, and most likely last fanfic. This Fanfic was highly inspired by one of @forrestyx's videos on TikTok. I will post a link to the specific video if and when I finish the actual fanfic. I plan to complete, or if I completely lose motivation, post what of the fanfic is written first week by week like most fanfics consistently. I will post the prologue of the fanfic here and likely update this when the fiction is done mentioning I posted a separate story, as this is simply a preview for my future fanfic. Unfortunately I can not promise a definite day as I can't predict my future motivation in writing this but I'll try to get it done with the time I have. Thank you to anyone who actually read through this- Also before someone try's to say something about copyright or I stole this persons idea, I've gotten permission from the creator of the TikTok to write this using their idea.All Rights Reserved