In the captivating Webnovel "Memento Mori," Xun Jie, the fearless protagonist, meets an unexpected fate when he falls into a reality-shifting demon's warp hole and seemingly perishes. However, fate takes an intriguing turn as he miraculously finds himself in the realm of his creator, Wen Jingyi. Initially, Wen Jingyi is taken aback by Xun Jie's resurfacing, as he had already penned the final chapter and sought closure by ending the character's life. Yet, instead of moving on, Wen Jingyi becomes entwined in Xun Jie's world, his heart torn between letting go and assisting his beloved creation in navigating the challenges that have emerged from the climactic battle. As Wen Jingyi accompanies Xun Jie on this enthralling journey, existing more tangibly and intimately than ever before, he finds himself becoming increasingly bonded to the enigmatic man he once only envisioned on paper. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY ME, LEONARDODABICI ON AO3. ENJOY!
22 parts