Hey David, You are 22 now, still lost and naive. I have not been disciplined and fervent enough, so that I can focus and understand myself more. I don't think I am fully a man yet, and of course no where near my best version of self. I am not ruthless with myself as much as I should be but one thing I want in a year or two is to see myself growing, to see how much I have developed as a child of God. To stop being foolish, you need to see yourself as a wise man. You need to run away and abstain from negative thought patterns that hinders growth and your journey with God. Your mind is so powerful, use the power God has given you to soar high like the eagles and grow through the uncomfortable, the hardship, the temptations and distractions of this sinful world. ...And be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so you may do what is good, acceptable, the perfect will of God.All Rights Reserved
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