One fateful day, Esmeralda, found a baby Imp named Blitzo, Blitz for short, in the forest and decided to adopt him as her own son with her two daughters, Elena and Selena. For years, Blitz and his family perform in a circus as they travels and become successful and famous performers together, but he always wonder how he's so different from his family. Then one faithful day, he meet other demons that are a lot like him and part of a murder profession, Blitz's life begins to change as he learns about his demon self and discover his birth family, and find his soulmate.
Book cover belongs to me
The Blitz art at the center belong to TeaTheKook from Twitter
Hazbin Hotel Belongs to Vivziepop
Helluva Bods belongs to Vivziepop
Y/n, our very first half human, half demon in this rare occurance, he doesn't remember much of about his past and must struggle to survive in this new world he lives in, meeting familiar demons (sinners, imps, hellhounds, overlords, and more) he seeks to remember his past self but for now he's in for it as hell's first half breed.