The Description will be half of the old one This is Part 2 of Short but Powerful, read it before reading this please --------------------- Name: America Hight: 4'9 (shortest country) Age: 15 stat: The shortest country, but a powerful country as well, dating Russia and China --------------------- Name: Russia Hight: 7'11 (2nd tallest country after his dad) Age: 15 stat's: Is the 2nd tallest country following his dad USSR/Soviet, Dating both China and America --------------------- Name: China Hight:7'2 Age: 15 stat: Dating Russia and America, Sister is Japan --------------------- Name: Canada Hight: 6'2 Age: 14 stat: Taller then Ame- (somehow-) helped the three date --------------------- Name: Japan Hight: Around 5'3-5'4 Age: almost 15 in this books timeline Stats: Brother is China, Friends with Canada, and Helped the three date --------------------- Name Ukraine Hight:5'11 Age: 14 Stat: not taller like the rest of his/her family --------------------- Name: France Hight: 5'7 Age: why the fuck does this matter? eh she's prob 30-40 Stat: somehow taller then her first child- --------------------- Name: UK Hight: 6'3 Age: same as France- Stat: taller then most of his kids- --------------------- Name(s): Aussie and New Zealand Age(s): 12 Hight for both of them: 5'6 stat: SOMEHOW TALLER THEN THERE FUCKING OLDER BROTHER THE FIRST BORN TO BE RIGHT!!!!! --------------------- Name: Dream (me^^) Age: old- Hight: Taller then the normal woman and girl- (5'3-4) Stat: im from wattpad: countryhumansAmerica --------------------- Ships: Russia X China X America UK x France -countryhumansamerica^^
5 parts