(( I stared with intensity at his lifeless body. A body that was once what kept me warm and held me when I felt pain. Harry looked so innocent and perfect, yet I knew he was so broken on the inside and I couldn't have fixed him if I tried. "Lily his finger just twitched. Did you see that?!" Chelsea hit my arm excitedly and pointed at his finger, which at the moment was still. Then I saw it, his finger had twitched. I leaned in to get a better look when suddenly Harry's once dead hands flew to his hair, ripping and pulling at it, followed by a blood curdling shriek. His bloodshot eyes were now open in horror and I realized they were looking at me and he was half screaming, half crying one word: "WHY?" I turned to the group of friends surrounding me. "Guys... we've created a monster." )) disclaimer: all aspects of the university and all of the medicine/drugs are made upAll Rights Reserved