In the realm of ancient mythology, there existed a young woman named Galleria, whose origins were as mysterious as they were tragic. Legend had it that Galleria's mother, a revered figure among the mortal realm, met a cruel fate at the hands of the enigmatic beings known as the Fates. The Fates, ancient and powerful entities responsible for weaving the tapestry of destiny, had grown discontent with Galleria's mother's influence on the mortal world. Enraged by her meddling in the affairs of mortals, the Fates conspired to end her life, seeking to restore balance and order according to their inscrutable designs. One fateful day, as Galleria's mother walked along the shores of the vast ocean, the Fates enacted their plan. With a swift stroke of their ethereal powers, they struck her down, causing her lifeless body to tumble into the churning depths below. As her remains sank into the abyssal depths, a remarkable transformation began to unfold. The ocean, perturbed by the intrusion of the lifeless form, seemed to recoil in horror. The water surrounding her body turned a deep, crimson red, as if mourning the loss of a cherished soul. Yet, as the waves crashed against the place where her mother's body had descended, something extraordinary occurred. The blood-red waters gradually cleared, revealing a radiant and ethereal figure rising from the depths. A woman emerged, her form sculpted from the very essence of the ocean itself. This was Galleria, reborn from the tragic demise of her mother, infused with the raw power and beauty of the sea.