In a realm where gods and monsters intertwine, Lyrah Casteatha, a former priestess cursed with a dark entity, finds herself in an unexpected marriage to Caetian Thialiaran, the enigmatic vampire prince of Facilua. Each bears a burden that threatens to consume them, and their union is a desperate gamble for her cure and freedom.
As their love story unfolds, they navigate a treacherous world, where political intrigue and hidden agendas threaten to tear them apart. With Resale, the capital of Pliathan, as their backdrop, they must confront the corrupt powers that rule their society and uncover the truths that have long been shrouded in darkness.
In a land where purity and honor are prized above all else, Lyrah and Caetian's love is a forbidden flame that defies convention. As they seek a cure for her curse, they'll be forced to confront their own pasts, make unimaginable sacrifices, and challenge the very fabric of their world.
Will love conquer the darkness that engulfs them, or will their quest for freedom lead to a devastating unraveling of the secrets that bind them? Join Lyrah and Caetian on an epic journey of love, sacrifice, and redemption in a world where the line between monster and savior blurs, and the fate of an entire kingdom hangs in the balance.
Winner of the 'Readers Choice Award' in Historical Fiction.
Winner of the 'Readers Choice Award' in Spiritual Category.
Winner of Best Muslim Readers' Choice Awards: Prince of Knights
Arabs are well known for their culture, Poetry, and hospitality. They are also known for their bravery and leadership. Faris, son of Sheikh Mubarak a hard-hearted man known among his tribe. No man is brave enough to raise his voice in his presence. His mission was to demolish his enemy's tribe for annihilating one of his men. However, fate decided something new when blood feud was only resolved by his marriage to the daughter of his enemy.
Raghad is just like any other Muslim girl, who wishes to marry the man of her dreams but she meets Faris the Knight with no heart. He only fears his Lord his maker and no one else. With no other option to resolve blood feud Raghad steps over her dreams to shield her tribe.
Will Faris unbolt the gates of his heart for her? Read to find out what happens in this love story.
Prince of Knights, based on a Bedouin lifestyle.