In the heart of a high-stakes political landscape, a group of students, including the President's daughter, vanishes during a school trip. As authorities scramble to find them, the Deputy CIA Director, Tom, faces a harrowing dilemma when the kidnappers demand classified information in exchange for the student's safety. With the clock ticking, Tom and trusted allies Miss Jones and Chali launch a covert operation. Their relentless pursuit unravels a complex web of secrets, espionage, and moral quandaries, leading to a daring rescue mission at sea. As the rescue unfolds, a hostage, Janice, seizes a chance to turn the tables on her captors. "The Kidnapped Cipher" is a gripping thriller that explores the intricacies of national security, familial devotion, and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones.
When Jane Madarang's neighbor Natalie kills herself and leaves behind cryptic instructions, it's up to Jane and her classmates to unearth deadly secrets.
Natalie Driscoll is dead.
She threw herself out a window and left her neighbor Jane to unravel their town's darkest secrets. Following Natalie's instructions leads Jane to three other high school students who all have something to hide. The four of them must carry out Natalie's final errand while solving the mysteries written in her diary. But the secrets they unearth may be far more dangerous than what they ever imagined.
Content and/or trigger warning: This story contains scenes of suicide, violence and murder that may be triggering for some readers.
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