So, I've seen some books where the Avengers take Nico in, whether that be because Fury tells them to apprehend him, or because they catch him fighting a monster / doing underworld-y things. I've seen some where the Avengers and Nico get quite close. But I am yet to find any where they adopt Nico, which is what I really want to see. So, ya. That's what this is. Me getting what I want to see. And don't you dare tell me that's selfish, because you want this too, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten this far into reading the really long description. Why is it so long? I don't know! :)
Nick Fury always sees three steps ahead. He knew that in the battle of New York, the Avengers would need something to bring them together, to give them a rallying point. And he got that, with the death of Agent Coulson. Now, he sees that something might happen to split the team. They have slightly different morals, only staying because they've grown attached to a certain member or feeling. Now they need something new, a new linchpin, new glue to stick them together. Something, (or someone), that can stop a civil war.
Chiron sees that Nico needs a family. Bianca's dead, has been for a while, but the death still pains him. Hades isn't the best dad, said so himself. His other sister, Hazel, spends most of her time in New Rome, serving the Legion and helping Frank with his Praetorial (did I spell that right?) duties. Anyways, the point is, he's lonely, but refuses to admit it. So, what does Chiron do? He finds him a family of course!
And gues who that family is? You'll never get it.
The Avengers.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
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