"Across the Miles of Love" is a teen romance novel that explores the transformative power of love amidst the challenges of distance and the clash of two distinct worlds. Set against the backdrop of a picturesque boarding school nestled in the English countryside and the vibrant streets of London, this story weaves a captivating narrative filled with heartwarming moments, unexpected surprises, and the timeless themes of self-discovery, family, and the pursuit of dreams.
Meet Belle, a quiet and introspective teenager who finds herself uprooted from her familiar life in London to attend Lakeside Academy, a prestigious boarding school far from the bustling city. With a passion for writing and a love for literature, she struggles to adapt to her new surroundings while cherishing the memories of her family back home.
Zach, on the other hand, is the embodiment of adventure and free spirit, a young man with dreams of making it as a musician in the vibrant heart of London. Their paths cross unexpectedly when Zach visits Lakeside Academy for a performance, and an instant connection sparks between them.
Despite the geographical divide, Belle and Zach's budding romance unfolds through handwritten letters, heartfelt texts, and stolen moments together. As the seasons change, they confront their own individual challenges - Belle navigating the expectations of her family and excelling at her new school, and Zach balancing his passion for music with the realities of life in London.
Sofia is an ordinary girl, trying to live her life as normally as possible. Being a teen in high school isn't easy for her. Especially finding her place among her peers may be the hardest part of everything.
School is more of an obligation for her and she can't wait to start into senior year and leave everyone behind. Except for her closest friend Miley, she has nobody at school where Sofia can truly be herself until she gets to know the true colors of Miley.
One day everything changed. Being invisible wasn't enough to hide from him, so he made it clear he wanted more with her.
(This story has a second book where the characters are adults. Definitely want to recommend it to teens and also adults as well!)